How To Incorporate Blogging Into Your B2B Marketing Strategy

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Why blog for business?

When putting together a marketing or online strategy for a B2B company, people often forget about incorporating a blog into their websites. Having a regular blog can be very beneficial to your business. In this article, we are going to go over the ways that blogging can help you and cover some tips to help you with this process.

Having a blog can lead to an increase in traffic to your website, which leads to more leads and in turn, more sales. For a B2B website, a blog can serve a few purposes; it can create credibility, increase website traffic, improve SEO, and help to promote products or services. A B2B blog is an excellent way to establish yourself and your brand as an industry leader.

Blog Strategy

There are specific ways to go about writing blog posts that can help you make them more successful. It is crucial to have a strategy for your blog and plan out what you should write about. Only publish blog posts that you can be proud of; make sure they are well-written, professional, and at least 500 words long.

Speak To Your Audience

It is important to keep your audience in mind when selecting the topics for your blog posts. Your posts should be written for your ideal customer, consider their interests, needs, pain points, and how you can provide a solution. Create a buyer persona to represent your clients and then write as if you were speaking to this made-up individual. Remember to be educational and informative, but don’t speak down to your reader. Posts should not be used as a sales pitch, use this area instead as a benefit for your potential clients with the occasional mention of what you can provide.

Add Value

All of the content you put out should be thought out, not just filler content to make our website look active. Your blogs should add value both to you and your readers. Your posts can answer commonly asked questions, serve as tutorials, explain products or services, or other topics that will be helpful to your readers.

There is a term to describe excellent content coined by Rand Fishkin of Moz “10X content”. This term refers to the idea that any content you put out should be “10 times better than the best result that can currently be found in the search results for a given keyword phrase or topic.” Before you set off to write your content, take some time to look at that of your competitors, and make your posts better and more helpful. This research will help your content do better online and set you apart as a knowledgeable industry leader.

Mix It Up

As you write regularly for your blog, it will feel a bit always challenging to put out interesting engaging posts. It is an excellent practice to create a mix of content and incorporate visuals to keep your readers engaged. Use eye-catching images, either stock photos or photos from your company and day-to-day operations. Include other visuals, such as infographics, charts, and graphs to illustrate the information you are trying to convey. Incorporating video into your blogs keeps your visitors engaged longer and helps them learn what they need from videos instead of having to read block after block of text. It’s a good idea to mix up the type of content you put out to keep your readers interested.

Engage With Your Audience

Stay on top of the comments received on your blogs. Whether it’s the comments directly on your blog or if you are sharing it somewhere like Facebook or LinkedIn. Engaging with your commenters humanizes your brand and helps your potential clients see that you care. Actively replying to comments or questions left on your blog and even help convert potential clients into paying customers.

Blog SEO

Your blog should be written for your potential clients but are also an excellent way to drive traffic to your website if optimized correctly. Use keywords and long-tail keywords in your blog post and title to better rank for your desired search terms. However, keep in mind that your keywords should be used naturally as if you are speaking to another human, not just stuffed into your writing robotically. Include links in your post, both internal links and outbound links. Internal links go to other content you have previously put out or pages on your website. Outbound Links are used to linking out to industry-leading websites to add credibility to your content and information.

A company blog can be an excellent tool for B2B marketing, but it does require a fair amount of time and effort. Incorporating the tips we have covered can help you be successful with your B2B company blog. Remember to be patient with the results and to be consistent with your posting. If you have further questions about this topic or need help with writing your professional content, our knowledgeable specialists and content writers at Right On Tech are ready to help. Contact Us for a free consultation.