How To Use Retargeting Ads To Increase Sales

Did you know that customers are 70% more likely to convert when retargeting is used? It’s time to consider integrating retargeting into your marketing strategy.

How Do Retargeting Ads Work?

For retargeting to work code is added to your website to follow website visitors even after they leave your website. Every time there is a new visit that code creates an anonymous browser cookie; this cookie will then direct the ad to those potential customers who have. A retargeting campaign will then show ads to those individuals who have visited your website. As individuals see your ads repeatedly, they will pay more attention. The reason retargeting converts so well is that the individuals you are targeting have already shown previous interest in your brand. Here are some tips on how to get the most out of your retargeting campaigns:


Be sure to avoid segmenting the visitors that are already being targeted by other marketing campaigns. Segment by the products that visitors have viewed and show them ads for similar products. There are several ways you can go about your segment, but it may be wise to start with popular products or categories on your website. 


Don’t ignore those visitors who make a purchase. It makes no sense to focus only on visitors who leave without purchasing; these are people that have already shown interest in your products. Buyers are likely to become repeat customers after seeing your retargeting ads.

Ad Design

Your ad should look professional; it should be creative and make the viewers want to click on it. Make sure that you are branding your ads with your logo and color themes so that viewers recognize your brand as they repeatedly see the ads. Make your ads interesting by including a clear message like “30% Off” or “Gift With Purchase.”

A/B Testing

A great way to get your ads to perform best is by testing different parts of the ad to see what performs better. You can use A/B Testing to compare elements of your ad, such as the headline, ad copy, audiences, and much more. The point of testing is to see what is and isn’t performing well so that you can make changes for the better performance of your ads.


A great thing about remarketing campaigns is that they are significantly cheaper than traditional Google Pay Per Click ads. Retargeting ads allow for a number of filters to be created so you can pinpoint your desired audience. There are a few different vendors you can get your retargeting done with including Google Ads, Facebook, RetargeterAdRoll, and a few others. The cost of a remarketing click on average is in the range of $0.25 to $0.60 per click.


Getting started with retargeting ads starts with selecting a vendor and considering your budget. After you pick your vendor, you create your segment list of customers you feel would convert well. Then, work on creating your ads by designing an ad that will attract the viewer’s attention and generate clicks. After you create the ads, you can set filters to further the audience targeting. Finally, measure the success of the ads and use A/B testing to find what works best. Digital Ads and Retargeting Ads can take a lot of man-hours and expertise to get them to convert well. For help from a knowledgeable team of marketing professionals, Right On Tech is here to help with your advertising needs. Contact us for a free consultation.